Agência de Modelos: DanDee: Minas Gerais Agência de Modelos e Publicidade - Pesquisas relacionadas a politica brasileira politica brasileira atual historia da politica brasileira governo lula governo brasileiro cultura brasileira economia brasileira politica brasileira 2009 politica brasileira 2010 PARTIDOS POLÍTICOS registrados no tse Área Responsável: Seção de Gerenciamento de Dados Partidários (SEDAP) Secretaria Judiciária - SJD/TSE Telefone: (61) 3316-3446 E-mail: Fechar| Histórico dos partidos políticos (arquivo pdf) | Bancada na Câmara (eleição e posse) | Bancada no Senado Clique na sigla do partido político para ter acesso aos dados do diretório nacional da agremiação (endereço, telefone, fax, e-mail, site), bem como ao estatuto e suas alterações, e eventuais normas complementares. 0001 SIGLA NOME DEFERIMENTO PRESIDENTE NACIONAL Nº 1 PMDB PARTIDO DO MOVIMENTO DEMOCRÁTICO BRASILEIRO 30.06.1981 VALDIR RAUPP, em exercício 15 2 PTB PARTIDO TRABALHISTA BRASILEIRO 03.11.1981 ROBERTO JEFFERSON MONTEIRO FRANCISCO 14 3 PDT PARTIDO DEMOCRÁTICO TRABALHISTA 10.11.1981 CARLOS LUPI 12 4 PT PARTIDO DOS TRABALHADORES 11.02.1982 JOSÉ EDUARDO DE BARROS DUTRA 13 5 DEM DEMOCRATAS 11.09.1986 JOSÉ AGRIPINO MAIA 25 6 PCdoB PARTIDO COMUNISTA DO BRASIL 23.06.1988 JOSÉ RENATO RABELO 65 7 PSB PARTIDO SOCIALISTA BRASILEIRO 01.07.1988 EDUARDO CAMPOS 40 8 PSDB PARTIDO DA SOCIAL DEMOCRACIA BRASILEIRA 24.08.1989 SÉRGIO GUERRA 45 9 PTC PARTIDO TRABALHISTA CRISTÃO 22.02.1990 DANIEL S. TOURINHO 36 10 PSC PARTIDO SOCIAL CRISTÃO 29.03.1990 VÍCTOR JORGE ABDALA NÓSSEIS 20 11 PMN PARTIDO DA MOBILIZAÇÃO NACIONAL 25.10.1990 OSCAR NORONHA FILHO 33 12 PRP PARTIDO REPUBLICANO PROGRESSISTA 29.10.1991 OVASCO ROMA ALTIMARI RESENDE 44 13 PPS PARTIDO POPULAR SOCIALISTA 19.03.1992 ROBERTO FREIRE 23 14 PV PARTIDO VERDE 30.09.1993 JOSÉ LUIZ DE FRANÇA PENNA 43 15 PTdoB PARTIDO TRABALHISTA DO BRASIL 11.10.1994 LUIS HENRIQUE DE OLIVEIRA RESENDE 70 16 PP PARTIDO PROGRESSISTA 16.11.1995 FRANCISCO DORNELLES 11 17 PSTU PARTIDO SOCIALISTA DOS TRABALHADORES UNIFICADO 19.12.1995 JOSÉ MARIA DE ALMEIDA 16 18 PCB PARTIDO COMUNISTA BRASILEIRO 09.05.1996 IVAN MARTINS PINHEIRO* 21 19 PRTB PARTIDO RENOVADOR TRABALHISTA BRASILEIRO 28.03.1995 JOSÉ LEVY FIDELIX DA CRUZ 28 20 PHS PARTIDO HUMANISTA DA SOLIDARIEDADE 20.03.1997 PAULO ROBERTO MATOS 31 21 PSDC PARTIDO SOCIAL DEMOCRATA CRISTÃO 05.08.1997 JOSÉ MARIA EYMAEL 27 22 PCO PARTIDO DA CAUSA OPERÁRIA 30.09.1997 RUI COSTA PIMENTA 29 23 PTN PARTIDO TRABALHISTA NACIONAL 02.10.1997 JOSÉ MASCI DE ABREU 19 24 PSL PARTIDO SOCIAL LIBERAL 02.06.1998 LUCIANO CALDAS BIVAR 17 25 PRB PARTIDO REPUBLICANO BRASILEIRO 25.08.2005 MARCOS ANTONIO PEREIRA 10 26 PSOL PARTIDO SOCIALISMO E LIBERDADE 15.09.2005 AFRÂNIO TADEU BOPPRÉ 50 27 PR PARTIDO DA REPÚBLICA Agência de Modelos: DanDee - Agência de Modelos: DanDee :: (Agência de Modelo) :: Artistas e Modelos para Eventos, Agencia de modelos para desfile | Agencia de modelos para Comercial de TV, Agencia de Moodelos Recepcionistas | Agencia de elenco de Modelos, Agencia de Modelos e Atores | Agencia de modelos Infantis | Mapa do Site Tags: BLUMENAU, SANTA CATARINA, BRASIL, PREFEITURA MUNICIPAL, CAMARA DE VEREADORES, DEPUTADOS, SENADORES, PREFEITOS, GOVERNADORES, PREFEITO, GOVERNADOR, OAB, FORUM, TSE, TRE, TRIBUNAL DE CONTAS, TRIBUNAL DE JUSTIÇA, IGREJAS, ONGS, PADRES, PASTORES, ESPIRITAS, ESPIRITUALISTAS, : PMN, PSL, PTB, PMDB, DEM, PSC, PSDB, PP, PRB, PT, PDT, PSDC, PCdoB, PR, PSB, PTdoB, PL, PV, PFL, DEMOCRATAS, PPS, PRONA Top Friendly Free SitesSublime Directory Babes Diary Bad Girl Nextdoor Petite Nympha Fox HQ Hottystop Nude Paradise Babes & Bitches Peaches Fantasy Porn Pin Dirty Pinks Image Post More Babes Big Boobs Alert Sensual Arousal Lets do Porn Busty Nude Babes Teen Boat! 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Enquanto a ARENA reunia os políticos favoráveis ao regime militar, o MDB reunia a oposição, embora controlada. Felizmente, esse sistema bipartidário não existe mais e desde o início da década de 1980, nosso país voltou ao sistema democrático com a existência de vários partidos políticos. Veja abaixo a relação dos principais partidos políticos em funcionamento na atualidade e suas principais idéias e características. PDT - Partido Democrático Trabalhista Criado em 1981, o PDT resgatou as principais bandeiras defendidas pelo ex-presidente Getúlio Vargas. De tendência nacionalista e social-democrata, esse partido tem como redutos políticos os estados do Rio de Janeiro e Rio Grande do Sul. Nestas regiões, tem o apóio de uma significativa base eleitoral popular. A principal figura do PDT foi o ex-governador Leonel Brizola, falecido em 2004. O PDT defende como idéia principal o crescimento do país através do investimento na indústria nacional, portanto é contrário às privatizações. PC do B - Partido Comunista do Brasil Fundado em 25 de março de 1922, o Partido Comunista do Brasil foi colocado na ilegalidade na época do regime militar (1964 a 1985). Mesmo assim, políticos e partidários do PC do B entraram nas fileiras da luta armada contra os militares. O PC do B voltou a funcionar na legalidade somente em 1985, durante o governo de José Sarney. Este partido defende a implantação do socialismo no Brasil e tem como bandeiras principais a luta pela reforma agrária, distribuição de renda e igualdade social. A principal figura do partido foi o ex-deputado João Amazonas. PR - Partido da República Criado em 24 de outubro de 2006 com a fusão do PL (Partido Liberal) e PRONA (Partido da Reedificação da Ordem Nacional). O Partido Liberal entrou em funcionamento no ano de 1985, reunindo vários políticos da antiga ARENA e também dissidentes do PFL e do PDS. O partido tem uma proposta de governo que defende o liberalismo econômico com pouca intervenção do estado na economia. Outra importante bandeira dos integrantes do PR é a diminuição das taxas e impostos cobrados pelo governo. DEM - Democratas - Antigo PFL (Partido da Frente Liberal) O PFL foi registrado em 1984 e contou com a filiação de vários políticos dissidentes do PDS. Apoio e forneceu sustentação política durante os governos de José Sarney, Fernando Collor e Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Atualmente faz oposição ao governo Lula. Suas bases partidárias estão na região Nordeste do Brasil, embora administre atualmente a cidade de São Paulo com o prefeito Gilberto Kassab. Em 28 de março de 2007, passou a chamar Democratas (DEM). Os partidários defendem uma economia livre de barreiras e a redução de taxas e impostos. PMDB - Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro Fundado em 1980, reuniu uma grande quantidade de políticos que integravam o MDB na época do governo militar. Identificado pelos eleitores como o principal representante da redemocratização do pais, no início da década de 1980, foi o vencedor em grande parte das eleições ocorridas no período pós regime militar. Chegou ao poder nacional com José Sarney, que tornou-se presidente da república após a morte de Tancredo Neves. Com o sucesso do Plano Cruzado, em 1986, o PMDB conseguiu eleger a grande maioria dos governadores naquelas eleições. Após o fracasso do Plano Cruzado e a morte de seu maior representante, Ulysses Guimarães, o PMDB entrou em declínio. Muitos políticos deixaram a legenda para integrar outras ou fundar novos partidos. A principal legenda fundada pelos dissidentes do PMDB foi o PSDB. PPS - Partido Popular Socialista Com a queda do muro de Berlim e o fim do socialismo, muitos partidos deixaram a denominação comunista ou socialista de lado. Foi o que aconteceu com o PCB que transformou-se em PPS, em 1992. Além da mudança de nomenclatura, mexeu em suas bases ideológicas, aproximando-se mais da social-democracia. Suas principais figuras políticas da atualidade são o ex-governador do Ceará Ciro Gomes e o senador Roberto Freire. PP - Partido Progressista (ex-PPB) Criado em 1995 da fusão do PPR (Partido Progressista Reformador) com o PP e PRP. Tem como base políticos do antigo PDS, que surgiu a partir da antiga ARENA. O PPB defende idéias amplamente baseadas no capitalismo e na economia de mercado. Seus principais representantes são o ex-governador e ex-prefeito Paulo Maluf de São Paulo e o senador Esperidião Amin de Santa Catarina. PSDB - Partido da Social-Democracia Brasileira O PSDB foi fundado no ano de 1988 por políticos que saíram do PMDB por discordarem dos rumos que o partido estava tomando na elaboração da Constituição daquele ano. Políticos como Mario Covas, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, José Serra e Ciro Gomes defendiam o parlamentarismo e o mandato de apenas quatro anos para Sarney. De base social-democrata, defende o desenvolvimento do país com justiça social. O PSDB cresceu muito durante e após os dois mandatos na presidência de Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Atualmente, é a principal força de oposição ao governo Lula. PSB - Partido Socialista Brasileiro Foi criado no ano de 1947 e defende idéias do socialismo com transformações na sociedade que representam a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos cidadãos brasileiros. Principal representante político : Miguel Arraes. PT - Partido dos Trabalhadores Surgiu junto com as greves e o movimento sindical no início da década de 1980, na região do ABC Paulista. Apareceu no cenário político para ser uma grande força de oposição e representante dos trabalhadores e das classes populares. De base socialista, o PT defende a reforma agrária e a justiça social. Atualmente, governa o país através do presidente Luis Inácio Lula da Silva. As principais metas do governo Lula tem sido : crescimento econômico, estabilidade econômica com o controle inflacionário e geração de empregos. PSTU - Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores Unificado Fundado em 1994 por dissidentes do PT. Os integrantes do PSTU defendem o fim do capitalismo e a implantação do socialismo no Brasil. Tem como base os antigos regimes socialistas do Leste Europeu. São favoráveis ao sistema onde os trabalhadores consigam mais poder e participação social. PV - Partido Verde De base ideológica ecológica, foi fundado em 1986. Os integrantes do PV lutam por uma sociedade capaz de crescer com respeito a natureza. São favoráveis ao respeito aos direitos civis, a paz, qualidade de vida e formas alternativas de gestão pública. Lutam contra as ameaças ao clima e aos ecossistemas do nosso planeta. PTB - Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro Fundado no ano de 1979, contou com a participação de Ivete Vargas, filha do ex-presidente Getúlio Vargas. No seu início, pregava a volta dos ideais nacionalistas defendidos por Getúlio Vargas. Atualmente é uma legenda com pouca força política e defende idéias identificadas com o liberalismo. PCB - Partido Comunista Brasileiro Fundado na cidade de Niteroi em 25 de março de 1922. Defende o comunismo, baseado nas idéias de Marx e Engels, e tem como símbolo a foice e o martelo cruzados. As cores do partido são o vermelho e o amarelo. É um partido de esquerda, contrário ao sistema capitalista e ao neoliberalismo, defendendo a luta de classes. É também conhecido como "Partidão". PSOL - Partido Socialismo e Liberdade Fundado em 6 de junho de 2004, defende o socialismo como forma de governo. Foi criado por dissidentes do PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores). É um partido de esquerda, contrário ao sistema capitalista e ao neoliberalismo. Tem como cor oficial o vermelho e como símbolo um Sol. PRTB - Partido Renovador Trabalhista Brasileiro - obteve registro definitivo em 18 de fevereiro de 1997. PT do B - Partido Trabalhista do Brasil - obteve o registro definitivo em 11 de outubro de 1994. PTN - Partido Trabalhista Nacional - refundado em 1995. PTC - Partido Trabalhista Cristão - obteve registro definitivo em 22 de fevereito de 1990. PSL - Partido Social Liberal - obteve registro definitivo em 2 de junho de 1998. PSC - Partido Social Cristão - obteve o registro definitivo em 29 de março de 1990. PSDC - Partido Social Democrata Cristão - obteve registro definitivo no TSE em 5 de agosto de 1997. PMN - Partido da Mobilização Nacional - fundado em 1984. PRP - Partido Republicano Progressista -obtenção do registro definitivo em 22 de novembro de 1991. PHS - Partido Humanista da Solidariedade - fundado em 20 de março de 1997. PRB - Partido Republicano Brasileiro - fundado em 25 de agosto de 2005. 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They look so cute and innocent, always curious for a sensual experience and they pose great on pictures. Teens are not just sexy, but very natural in their behaviour unlike mature porn actresses. One of the nicest things about teen babe sites is when they picture them in everyday situations like when they take a shower. A wet teen pussy is probably the best thing you can see, specially if she is slim and shaved. Don't you agree? Shaved Teen Teens from Europe are sexy and hot. Even more when they are totally shaven including hairless legs and of course a bald vagina. You gotta love the sight of a hot shaved teen with endless legs shot from behind. Just imagine yourself bending down to take off your socks, then you get the same angle like nude photo artist Petter Hegre got when he made his first nude pictorial with hot teen babe Anna. Petter is a fantastic photographer who makes amateur teens look like hot fashion models. He picks the best angles, perfect lighting and combines the experience of a professional photographer with a sense of perfect erotic sensuality as can be seen on his awesome nude art site Hegre Art Nudes. Shaved Latina Pussy Don't you wanna see hot Latina pussy from Latin America and not just those American Latinas from Florida and California? How about some real genuine and authentic Peruvian teen pussy pictures with shaved vaginas? That's hard to find, but there is a new site on the market: Real Latina Teens. The site shows hot Latina amateur teens from Peru and Ecuador in hotel room strips. First topless, then nude and some of them play with dildos, too. These Latina teens are hot and fresh, but a little shy. No wonder, as many of them are genuine first timers and pose nude for the first time. Hot Teen Ass Sometimes I see a hot teen picture and I know you will love to see it on my sexy teen picture blog. That just happened when I saw a new teen picture nude series from Errotica Archives that depicted the most sensual teen ass I have seen for a long time. According to the notes on the nude art site, these teen nudes were shot on the very first day of Antea's nude pictorials with Erro, a true master of nude photography who is know of being one of the most popular artist on Most Erotic Teens, the web's most successful teen nude site. Antea is a very sexy and natural fresh amateur babe from Eastern Europe who is turning heads wherever she walks. I am pretty sure we will more of her on various nude art teen site with hot naked pictures and movies very soon. You saw her here first - remember that when she becomes a hot shooting star! Innocent Teen Pussy Now, this is a sexy teen: Gabby. She is looking so innocent and fresh that I consider her the hottest teen amateur that I have seen on the web for a very long time. She is featured on Femjoy, a nude art site full of nude Slavic teens. All teen nudes are in great quality. That's how I like hot teen pictures: sexy amateur models with fresh faces shot by professional photographers (and not the other way around LOL). This is fun to watch as every girlie bit is visible in highest resolution. Hot Colombian Teen Gigi Spice appears to be an innocent looking Latina cutie. Big brown eyes and looks like a school girl. Hehe, she is cute, but certainly not innocent at all. The totally horny Colombian babe is a bi-sexual porn machine. She loves to have lesbian fun with other Latin teen babes and she is into hardcore porn with many lovers. Oh, and when she is alone by herself, she loves to masturbate with or without a vibrator until she is squirting her juices. Don't believe me? Trust me, she is a real find! Hot Thai Teen Thai women are known to be some of the most beautiful females from Asia. Why is that? Basically, because they are slim or petite with perfect body proportions, just like Thai teen amateur model Noi Kanya. This fabulous Bangkok girl is one of the very few Thai solo girls with an own website. She models for nudes and videos on her site giving panty sniffers nice insight to her own place and her tiny sexy schoolgirl outfits that she loves to strip off before she goes on to a blowjob for a photographer. Damn, I am jealous! I love petite Asian teen chicks with perky breasts and big red lips. Outdoor Teen Nudes It's probably the best setting for teen amateur nudes: outdoors during the summer. David's Nudes, a fine erotica site with fresh teen models from the Ukraine is one of the newest sites featuring sexy outdoor nudes wit some hot first time talents aged 18 years. These young babes do a great job at looking innocent while being totally naked. Man, they are hot! The images are very big and allow a solid look at the naked teenie beauty. First time models from David are a truely unique find for lovers of natural teen amateurs. Teen Cutie Outdoor It's summer time and I really enjoy the fresh hot teen nudes from outdoors. Natural daylight and a the hot sun beams give a great natural look to European teen model skin. A perfect exmaple are the newest nudes from Femjoy, a spiffy nude art site with plenty sexy teen pictures. I bet you want to see more hot outdoor pictures, don't you?!? Teedy Bear Nudes Nena Blue is a pretty artsy European nude site satisfying demand for themed nudity sets. It's actually a sorted mix of various scenes that include playful locations, artistic use of light and shadow, high resolution close ups and use of sexy outfits and uniforms. It's not just a sexy girl in the nude, but Nena Blue updates try to stimulate erotic fantasy rather than just putting nameless flesh on a table. I like it a lot for it's incredible sensuality. Every hot teen picture set is a piece of art with each image showing something different. I am so tired of sites where all pictures just look alike. So this one is a very welcome change with fresh and high quality content showing a lot of hot teen details. Hot Legs I am getting more and more addicted to Femjoy. Their newest updates show some of the most sexy teens from Prague in very aesthetic nudity. Real girls with minimal make-up, bright smiles, shaved twats and endless legs. Pure dreams of sensuality, at least in my book! What do you think about their newest updates? Do you agree with me, they are totally adorable hot teens? You should visit this place where they run around town in short skirts during summer! It's so nice to watch them parading around the Old Town Square in the afternoon. Wow, this chick looks hot: Melany. Erotic photographer Oleg Morenko discovered this mixed European teen beauty for his nudes on Met Art - Most Erotic Teens very recently. Usually, Euro teens have blue, grey or green eyes, but Melany looks very exotic with her big brown eyes. Maybe she has had some Asian blood in her family some generations ago? I hope you agree with me, she is a real hot and beautiful model! Wild Thai Teen Thailand is well known for being a prime sex tourism destination. Why is that? Because Thai teens are wild and crazy chicks who love to dress sexy. Not much different than hot teens from other countries you may argue, but there is a difference: Thai girls don't just tease, they want to have sex and sex and sex - as available from most Thai girl friends on Thai Girls Wilde. This new Asian teen porn site shows Thai amateur girls and Bangkok Ex-Girlfriends in candid nude images as well as home grown camcorder sex sessions. Wanna see more Thai Girls? Check out this list of Thai Porn sites. Nudes from Paris: Sonja Since Paris is the fashion capital of the world, there has to be a large number of beautiful girls around? Sonja is one of them. This cute French teen just got casted for e nude shooting by an erotic production company in Paris. We are proud to see she does not hold back anything from her French girlie bits. Enjoy her first nudes. She is just 18 years young and not shy at all. Petite Asian Teen Girls from Asia are known to be slim and small compared to western women. That's why Asian teens are very popular with guys and it's hard to meet them. One of the best places to find genuine Asian amateurs online is by looking as niche chat sites like Free Asian Chat. Hundreds of real girls from Asia are available for free chat, private video streams. Their profiles offer screens caps and private photos of them. Actually, a lot of these Asians are looking for western boyfriends and husbands. They don't mind if their future partner is much older than themselves who are mostly 18 to 25 years young. As long as you are charming and treat them with respect, they will be looking forward to a romantic Hot Teen Pictures Amateur girls 18 years old are the sexiest females on the planet. Sexually very curious with innocent babe bodies and insatiable sex drive. Those are sexy teens you want to see on hot nudes. Busty Ukraine Teen Hot teen Olya turned 19 years. The sexy hot Ukraine amateur model is a curious teen model who poses for nude outdoor pictures on David's Nudes, a nude art collection of East-European babes. She got a bit speck around her waste and real nice natural boobs with lovely pink nipples. A highly adorable hot next door babe. She loves to show off her big boobs measuring 94 cm. Doesn't she look lovely in front of the young corn field? Hey, her Ukrainian vagina is shaved to perfection for a smooth landing of your horny tongue. Sexy Filipinas Hot teens and sexy amateurs from the Philippines are featured on Go to Phil, a website formed by leisure travelers and travel sex connoisseurs from around the globe. The site features a very active message board for members sharing nudes of their Filipina girlfriends. Most of the sexy Filipina girls are 18 to 20 year hot teens with warm personalities and highly desirable bodies. While the usual images shared on the message board and in member's albums are of average Asian amateur quality at best, there is a feature reserved for the more attractive and hot teens from the Philippines. The Girl of the Month. It's active for over 6 years and offers plenty of hot teen pictures of Filipina ladies in the nude. After I visited GotoPhil for the very first time in 1998, I was so flattened that I jumped on an airplane to Manila as I wanted to have sex with as many Filipina girls as possible. Man, ever since I am addicted to Filipinas. Hot Ass I couldn't sleep last night. I was tossing and turning around and just could not fall asleep? What to do? I switched on my laptop and looked for some hot teen pictures. And look what I found: a cute teen ass! Not much more to say about it except that is exactly the type of ass I was dreaming about once I switched of my computer again. Hope you can sleep well when you click on that hot teen ass, now. Petite Blonde Brazilian teens are awesome! While you see a lot of dark skinned beauties in the rural areas of the huge South American country, the chicks in big cities like Rio and Sao Paulo come in all shapes and sizes just like Francesca, a beautiful petite blonde teen. Many of today's top models come from Brazil, just like celebrity model Giselle Buendchen. Tall blonde females are not a rarity at all in the streets of Sao Paulo and luckily most of them are not shy at all. Posing for nudes is like cooking Spaghetti for lunch or dinner. Have fun with petite blonde Francesca from Beauty is Devine, a really hot teen model from Brazil. Hot Polish Teens Everybody knows Russia, Czech Republic and Hungary have hot teen models and erotic models. But what about Poland? This catholic stronghold in Eastern Europe is under rated when it comes to nude girls. I have visited Poland and was very pleasantly surprised about the friendliness of Polish teens. They are not shy at all. When they like to have fun they get a bit drunk and do very wild things. Polish girls are very natural and curious. Usually, most of them are a bit more chubby and many of them are very busty. Bunny Magazine is a unique online magazine depicting nude Polish teens and amateurs. Some of them are lesbian, too. Lingerie Latina Sexy Paola is a fresh amateur from Argentina. She is a little shy for her first shoot for Glam Deluxe, but she loves the elegant lingerie her photographer has bought for her. It's a trick of many photographers who shoot fresh amateurs for the very first time. They provide them a piece of expensive lingerie and give them the promise to keep it if they can photograph them while taking it off. It worked like a charme with Paola, like it did with any other Latina amateur before. She tookit all off later on and posed with her Latina amateur teen body in full nudity on Glam Deluxe, one of South America's newest nude art websites. Asian Girls I have a crush on Asian teens! They are awesome: petite, nice boobs, silky long hair, fresh looks and very charming personalities - perfect exotic beauties. However, most Asian porn sites portrait Asian teens like filthy prostitutes. What a shame. But there are a lot of webcam and sex chat sites around that have real Asian amateurs online. One of the best Asian chat sites imho is Asian Babe Cams. There are constantly over 300 Asian teens from the Philippines and Thailand online at any given time. Basic membership is free and allows you to browse the portfolios of all chat girls. Text chat is free, too. Only when you want to take a performer to a private chat your account needs to be loaded and you can ask the Asian teen of your choice to slide down her panty :-) Be warned: webcams can become very addictive. Ever since I discovered Asian Babe Cams I keep on going back there to enjoy the charming Asian girls. I have even traveled as far as to the Philippines to meet up with some of them. This was a great experience. French Newcomer Lou is an adorable French teen. She is perfectly shaped, full of sexual curiosity and ready to jump start a career in adult films with French porn producer John B. Root and his website Explicite Debutantes. This website from Paris is filming their freshest French newcomers. Most of the shoots are taken in a typical casting couch environment in a small attic video and photo studio in the outskirts of the French capital Paris. As said, Lou is the newest French teen to appear on Explicite Debutantes. She can bee seen stripping and giving her first blowjob in front of a rolling camera. The footage is of great quality and you wish Lou were the stunt cock in this sensual oral sex scene. Of course she is great girlfriend material. I alwaas dreamed of having a French girlfriend and Lou looks pretty much like the French teen of my wildest sexual fantasies. Bonita When porn started to drive the growth of the internet a lot of fresh amateurs and teens appeared on the scenes. Amsterdam, Prague and Amsterdam became a melting pot of the best porn newcomers on the planet. The old American and Scandinavian porn producers that always used the same models and porn stars lost their attraction as fresh teen models from Eastern Europe stole their show. The incredible amount of female talent from Prague and Budapest casting agencies was overwhelming and Dreamstash was right in the middle of it. Dreamstash always got the freshest girls, many of whom advanced to became real big porn stars like Piper Dawn later on. On Dreamstash they started out as innocent 18 and 19 year old teams who were just able to present their flawless bodies and smile. They had no idea about the business part and that's what made them so adorable. Teen Lovers Are you tired of all those 25 year old girls that appear on so called teen sites? Yeah, me too! That's why I started this little nifty Hot Teen Pictures Blog to show you some great teen porn resources from around the globe. I took this site over just recently. It was dedicated to present free teen porn sites like Teen Facials, Cheerleader Piss and Small Tits. As you can see those sites are very dated so we will be presenting you some more teen porn and erotic teem pictures very soon. Bookmark and come back when you have a chance. FTV Girls Anne Admin | 12/28/2009 | 4:40 pm We spot this girl at a fancy resort near the holidays, and watch how gorgeous and sexy she is! Surely a girl like her won’t do FTV? As we talk to her, we learn that she is a homely southern girl, with a very naughty side! Flashing her breasts and toying with herself at the resort, we have an intimate dinner date with her at a fancy restaurant. We then go to her hotel room and watch her put on several sexy dresses for us. What a flawless nude figure! She then starts masturbating in the dress we met her in, and pulls out a large pink vibrator, masturbating to a strong orgasm. Then we get some shocking extreme… she starts fisting herself! The next day, we watch her jogging by the canal, wow is she athletic. She does some exercises, then flashes her breasts, and leads us back home. Fixing herself up, she masturbates with the Vibrating, which only turns her on further. She wants the biggest, and she takes on the FTV Monster Toy… deep! It looks so easy for a 5’2? petite girl! Then she does a hard fisting session… seeing is believing! Spreading herself wide, gaping wide, we see deep, as well as some milky juices that flow out. In the bed, she gives her breasts a hard massage, then moves to her butt — but its all about fingering herself anally. Not enough for her, she finds a large glass toy, and gives herself a very deep penetration. Up close and in your face, she then forces four fingers into her vagina while the toy is inside anally, and moves the toy around using her hand inside her vagina!! Again, seeing is believing on this one! On the third day, she’s visiting a hardware store to buy a water hose… and flash everywhere! Going to a public car wash, she strips down to her bikini, then completely naked as she washes the car, and fingers herself… Then using the water hose, she stuffs it inside her, and makes her vagina squirt water in a big gush! More kinky on the way, she takes a wine bottle, stuffs it inside her, and rides it deep, to the wide part! Then she even pushes it in deep the back end first! What, she does it anally too?? Enjoy this gorgeous, sexy, personable, and very extreme girl — you’ll only see her here, on FTV Log entries Home Big tit sluts dildo fuck themselves at Busty Solos Nubile Teen Models - Fresh and exposed Very hot MILF model goes Gonzo! Nasty Porn Hot Spots Endulge in the forbidden pleasures of a fetish goddess in heat Hot Sluts Go Hardcore Reality Porn Pass A huge collection of true reality porn sites. What ever trips your trigger, you will find right here. Teens, MILFs, Asians, Lesbians and even nasty ass cum sluts, it's all here in one place. Visit Reality Porn Pass Here and check out the tons of free sample clips then get get your unrestricted pass to the nastiest porn online. Hustler Mega Pass Hustler has been fulfilling your nastiest fantasies for decades. 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After an interview at a restaurant (and flashing her full breasts there) she goes to the mall with Liz. She she starts flashing everywhere, at the stores, bathrooms, and change rooms, even the parking lot! Back home, she picks the largest vibrator we have (the Big Pink Toy) and to our surprise, takes it hard and deep! Hard deep pounding gets her very juicy and wet, then with the help of a clitoral vibrator she has a very strong orgasm! Notice the strong vaginal contractions as it all happens. She puts on a cute pink outfit, then has Liz massage her breasts. Her breasts are so big that four hands are needed to complete the job! Love watching those breasts bounce. Some really hard breast massage… Then its back to the Big Pink Toy, this time Liz uses it on her, pounding her hard and fast… and Meilani loves all of it! What an intense scene. She needs that egg vibrator once again, and finishes with another strong orgasm. On her second day visit, she’s looking even hotter than before, and she gives us another thorough hard breast massage. Using another vibrator, she has another long, strong orgasm with contractions seen very clearly. She decides to play with some ben-wa balls, pushing them deep inside, and pulling them out… with it her milky wet juices! Then some sensual extreme closeups of her clit and extreme gaping for all the good details. In a sexy dress & heels, she poses for us, then plays with cucumbers… First one goes in very deep, she takes it so far it goes missing!! Then she tries two, managing to double stuff herself! With a load of honey, she gives herself a sticky breast massage, making her hands stick to her big breasts. Then as a hot secretary with her hair up, she stripteases, and then uses the Vibraking toy! She ends up on the floor with strong, convulsive orgasms that gets her whole body a workout. Then she experiments with the FTV Monster Toy, pushing it as deep as she can go… but settling for the Big Ten Toy. More hard pounding and then a very deep ride on the Big Ten, for an incredible finale. Enjoy Meilani, she’s a cutie teen who is a Total First Time Video Girl, and exclusive to FTV Busty Teen Model Brooke Gets all Naked and Messy with Custard on Her Big Boobs! Admin | 10/21/2009 | 10:15 pm A super busty hot blonde teen model, Brooke is gonna rub creamy custard all over those big boobs and that sexy belly, oops! Click Here to see more hot pics from this set! Meet Hot Model Angel from SpunkyAngels She Has Perfect Tits! Admin | 10/20/2009 | 7:51 pm Angel from is just that, an “Angel from Heaven”. Look at those perfect tits! Young firm boobies, a sweet smooth pussy, and a hot ass! This lovely brunette also sports some cool hair! Damn, her nipples are perfect! Click Here – to see more hot pics of Angel from this set! The Very Cute Cindy Cupcakes all Nude on her Bed! Admin | 10/17/2009 | 3:19 am New hot model Cindy Cupcakes is all naked playing on her bed! Such a hot girl with braces, cute lil pink thingies in her hair and puffy nipples! Cindy looks jailbait, but barely passes as legal! Look at that sweet young pussy, ya just want to eat her up! Click Here – to see more hot pics of Cindy Cupcakes from this set! Cindy Cupcakes Nude: Little Cindy Cupcakes strips out of her clothes and shows her tight perfect pussy Admin | 10/15/2009 | 3:40 pm Published in Hot Girls | No comments Tags: braces, Cindy Cupcakes, cute boobs, Hot Girl, nude model, perfect pussy, perky nipples, sweet pussy, teen model, tight pussy, tight twat, Young model Teen Model Mia is a True Hot Blonde! Admin | 09/28/2009 | 3:15 pm Hot teen model Mia from Met Art looking very sweet and jailbait-ish with that hot little ass… Another all natural beautiful girl modeling nude with a great photographer! Click Here – to see more of this sweet hot blonde! Published in Ass Naked | No comments Tags: beautiful teen girl, hot asses, hot blonde, Hot little Ass, hot teen girl, jailbait, Mia, nude model, sweet pussy, teen model Diddylicious Nude Ass all Wet and Cute! Admin | 09/27/2009 | 10:46 pm The cute and sexy little Diddylicious naked in the shower all wet and having fun! Hot little ass on Diddy, pierced nipples too! Click Here – see more diddylicous teasing us with her hot lil nude body Published in Ass Naked | 1 Comment Tags: cute and sexy, cute boobs, Diddy, diddy nude, diddylicous, hot ass, Hot Girl, Nude ASS, Pierced nipples, teen model, Wet Teen Lola Models Her Beautiful Hot Ass on the Beach! Admin | 09/24/2009 | 1:18 pm The beautiful brunette Lola from Met-Art! This hot teen model poses nude on the beach with breathtaking views of her gorgeous smooth and tanned body, Lola has one hot ass baby! Click here to see even more hot pics of nude Lola! 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    TITULO-AQUI TITULO-AQUI TITULO-AQUI TITULO-AQUI TITULO-AQUI Agência de Modelos: DanDee: Minas Gerais Agência de Modelos e Publicidade ! Pesquisas relacionadas a politica brasileira politica brasileira atual historia da politica brasileira governo lula governo brasileiro cultura brasileira economia brasileira politica brasileira 2009 politica brasileira 2010 PARTIDOS POLÍTICOS registrados no tse Área Responsável: Seção de Gerenciamento de Dados Partidários (SEDAP) Secretaria Judiciária - SJD/TSE Telefone: (61) 3316-3446 E-mail: Fechar| Histórico dos partidos políticos (arquivo pdf) | Bancada na Câmara (eleição e posse) | Bancada no Senado Clique na sigla do partido político para ter acesso aos dados do diretório nacional da agremiação (endereço, telefone, fax, e-mail, site), bem como ao estatuto e suas alterações, e eventuais normas complementares. 0001 SIGLA NOME DEFERIMENTO PRESIDENTE NACIONAL Nº 1 PMDB PARTIDO DO MOVIMENTO DEMOCRÁTICO BRASILEIRO 30.06.1981 VALDIR RAUPP, em exercício 15 2 PTB PARTIDO TRABALHISTA BRASILEIRO 03.11.1981 ROBERTO JEFFERSON MONTEIRO FRANCISCO 14 3 PDT PARTIDO DEMOCRÁTICO TRABALHISTA 10.11.1981 CARLOS LUPI 12 4 PT PARTIDO DOS TRABALHADORES 11.02.1982 JOSÉ EDUARDO DE BARROS DUTRA 13 5 DEM DEMOCRATAS 11.09.1986 JOSÉ AGRIPINO MAIA 25 6 PCdoB PARTIDO COMUNISTA DO BRASIL 23.06.1988 JOSÉ RENATO RABELO 65 7 PSB PARTIDO SOCIALISTA BRASILEIRO 01.07.1988 EDUARDO CAMPOS 40 8 PSDB PARTIDO DA SOCIAL DEMOCRACIA BRASILEIRA 24.08.1989 SÉRGIO GUERRA 45 9 PTC PARTIDO TRABALHISTA CRISTÃO 22.02.1990 DANIEL S. TOURINHO 36 10 PSC PARTIDO SOCIAL CRISTÃO 29.03.1990 VÍCTOR JORGE ABDALA NÓSSEIS 20 11 PMN PARTIDO DA MOBILIZAÇÃO NACIONAL 25.10.1990 OSCAR NORONHA FILHO 33 12 PRP PARTIDO REPUBLICANO PROGRESSISTA 29.10.1991 OVASCO ROMA ALTIMARI RESENDE 44 13 PPS PARTIDO POPULAR SOCIALISTA 19.03.1992 ROBERTO FREIRE 23 14 PV PARTIDO VERDE 30.09.1993 JOSÉ LUIZ DE FRANÇA PENNA 43 15 PTdoB PARTIDO TRABALHISTA DO BRASIL 11.10.1994 LUIS HENRIQUE DE OLIVEIRA RESENDE 70 16 PP PARTIDO PROGRESSISTA 16.11.1995 FRANCISCO DORNELLES 11 17 PSTU PARTIDO SOCIALISTA DOS TRABALHADORES UNIFICADO 19.12.1995 JOSÉ MARIA DE ALMEIDA 16 18 PCB PARTIDO COMUNISTA BRASILEIRO 09.05.1996 IVAN MARTINS PINHEIRO* 21 19 PRTB PARTIDO RENOVADOR TRABALHISTA BRASILEIRO 28.03.1995 JOSÉ LEVY FIDELIX DA CRUZ 28 20 PHS PARTIDO HUMANISTA DA SOLIDARIEDADE 20.03.1997 PAULO ROBERTO MATOS 31 21 PSDC PARTIDO SOCIAL DEMOCRATA CRISTÃO 05.08.1997 JOSÉ MARIA EYMAEL 27 22 PCO PARTIDO DA CAUSA OPERÁRIA 30.09.1997 RUI COSTA PIMENTA 29 23 PTN PARTIDO TRABALHISTA NACIONAL 02.10.1997 JOSÉ MASCI DE ABREU 19 24 PSL PARTIDO SOCIAL LIBERAL 02.06.1998 LUCIANO CALDAS BIVAR 17 25 PRB PARTIDO REPUBLICANO BRASILEIRO 25.08.2005 MARCOS ANTONIO PEREIRA 10 26 PSOL PARTIDO SOCIALISMO E LIBERDADE 15.09.2005 AFRÂNIO TADEU BOPPRÉ 50 27 PR PARTIDO DA REPÚBLICA Agência de Modelos: DanDee - Agência de Modelos: DanDee :: (Agência de Modelo) :: Artistas e Modelos para Eventos, Agencia de modelos para desfile | Agencia de modelos para Comercial de TV, Agencia de Moodelos Recepcionistas | Agencia de elenco de Modelos, Agencia de Modelos e Atores | Agencia de modelos Infantis | Mapa do Site Tags: BLUMENAU, SANTA CATARINA, BRASIL, PREFEITURA MUNICIPAL, CAMARA DE VEREADORES, DEPUTADOS, SENADORES, PREFEITOS, GOVERNADORES, PREFEITO, GOVERNADOR, OAB, FORUM, TSE, TRE, TRIBUNAL DE CONTAS, TRIBUNAL DE JUSTIÇA, IGREJAS, ONGS, PADRES, PASTORES, ESPIRITAS, ESPIRITUALISTAS, : PMN, PSL, PTB, PMDB, DEM, PSC, PSDB, PP, PRB, PT, PDT, PSDC, PCdoB, PR, PSB, PTdoB, PL, PV, PFL, DEMOCRATAS, PPS, PRONA Top Friendly Free SitesSublime Directory Babes Diary Bad Girl Nextdoor Petite Nympha Fox HQ Hottystop Nude Paradise Babes & Bitches Peaches Fantasy Porn Pin Dirty Pinks Image Post More Babes Big Boobs Alert Sensual Arousal Lets do Porn Busty Nude Babes Teen Boat! Teenies Land Bravo Teens Young Leafs Bravo Girls Final Teens Teen Port Porn Plus Busty Nympha Karup's Galleries Nude Babelog 100 Bucks Babes Naked Neighbour Thousand Babes Wild Hot Girls Today's Top Free Porn Movies LiveJasmin Babes Erotic Beauties Fine Art Teens Nudes Puri Arti Nudes Pmates Teen Port Hotty Stop Ideal Teens Sexya Porno Spicy Bunnies Beauty Girls Toplist Signup For Trade Trade Balance RSS Feed Sexy brunette in lingerie FRESH galleries: Angel Carson Jayd Lovely luscious legs Tori showing off her sexy slim body Stocking secretary Becky Ella Milano Sabrina Abbie red bikini Sam Bentley Blonde Katerina Chikita wakes up aroused Beauty Betty Beniski Busty babe Dominika ablutions Lexi Belle Ashley spreads Associação Blumenauense de Karate Do, Karate Do, Blumenau, SC. Brasil. Associação Blumenauense de Karate Do, Karate Do, Blumenau, SC. Brasil. Associação Blumenauense de Karate Do, Karate Do, Blumenau, SC. Brasil.
    Karate Do (te ashi do) Internacionais (Outros Países): Mais informações no Comando Geral das Forças (Te AShi Do)
    Tel. Contato: (47)8401-1143, (47)8429-50-71, (47)8422-5072.

Escola de Artes Marciais: Te Ashi Do, Mestre Pepi (Arno Éder Pöpper) Categoria Soke Shihan 10 Dan Hanshi

Agência de Modelos, Festas, Eventos, Promoções, Produções, Desfiles e Publicidade.

Procuro garotas para fazer parte da agência de modelos DanDee. Garotas para desfiles, shows, concursos, recepçõpes e eventos em geral. Também me disponho a realizar eventos, desfiles de moda, desfiles show, concursos de beleza entre outros eventos. As(Os) interessadas(os) podem entrar em contato comigo aqui mesmo neste Facebook, ou pelo messeger e skype: Para quem quiser me conhecer mais é só entrar no meu site: - O meu facebook

Segue os meus telefones de contato: (47)8401-1143, (47)8429-5071, (47)3035-1688. Blumenau, SC.

Agência de Modelos, Eventos, Promoções e Publicidade Agência de Modelos, Eventos, Promoções e Publicidade
Museu dos Pisos e Azulejos. Tudo em pisos e azulejos antigos e atuais.

Arte Marcial Mista... Estilo Te Ashi Do Mestre Pepi (Arno Éder Pöpper 10 Dan Hanshi)

Venho com as mãos vazias. Não tenho armas, mas, se for obrigado a me defender, a defender meus princípios e minha honra, se é questão de vida ou morte, de direito ou de injustiça, então aqui estão minhas armas: Te-Ashi-Do, Karate, Kung Fu, Shaolin, Wushu, Wing Chun, Tae Kwon Do, Kobudo!!!,+NINJUTSO,+TE+ASHI+DO+BLUMENAU+(43)-MOTION.gif

Te Ashi Do (caminho das mãos e dos pés vazios e/ou armados) Bushi, (Guerreiro) Te Ashi Do, São Paulo: Informações Te Ashi Do (caminho das maos e dos pés vazios e/ou armados) Bushi, (Guerreiro) Te Ashi Do Karate Do Prof. PEPE Mestre (Te Ashi Do)
Ken shin shu kan (Karate Do) Rua Amazonas, 1650, Blumenau, SC. Cep 89. 021-010. Brasil. Fones (47)84295071
(47)8422-5072, (47)3035-1688, Blumenau, SC. Brasil. Info - Te Ashi Do - Te-Ashi-Do was founded by Sensei
PEPE [Pepi Lee] Pöpper Sensei: Arno Éder Pöpper Major 10th Dan in 2005 and has over 10.150
members with classes in Epping, Loughton, Nazing and Theydon Bois.

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terça-feira, 20 de março de 2012

Minas Gerais

Minas Gerais From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search For other uses, see Minas Gerais (disambiguation).
State of Minas Gerais
— State —

Coat of arms

Motto: Libertas Quae Sera Tamen (Latin)
"Freedom albeit Late"

Location of State of Minas Gerais in Brazil
Coordinates: 19°49′S 43°57′W / 19.817°S 43.95°W / -19.817; -43.95Coordinates: 19°49′S 43°57′W / 19.817°S 43.95°W / -19.817; -43.95
Country Brazil
Capital and Largest City Belo Horizonte
• Governor Antônio Anastasia (PSDB)
• Vice Governor
• Total 586,528.29 km2 (226,459.84 sq mi)
Area rank 4th
Population (2010 census)[1]
• Total 19,595,309
• Rank 2nd
• Density 33/km2 (87/sq mi)
• Density rank 14th
Demonym Mineiro
• Year 2006 estimate
• Total R$ 214,814,000,000 (3rd)
• Per capita R$ 11,028 (10th)
• Year 2005
• Category 0.800 – high (9th)
Time zone BRT (UTC-3)
• Summer (DST) BRST (UTC-2)
Postal Code 30000-000 to 39990-000
ISO 3166 code BR-MG

Minas Gerais (Brazilian Portuguese: [ˈminɐz ʒeˈɾajs])[2] is one of the 26 states of Brazil, ranks as the second most populous, the third by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the fourth largest by area in the country. The state's capital and largest city, Belo Horizonte, is a major urban and finance center in Latin America, and stands as the third largest urban aglomeration in Brazil, after the cities of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Minas Gerais is the Brazilian state with the largest number of Presidents of Brazil, the current one, Dilma Rousseff, born in Belo Horizonte, being one of them. The main producer of coffee and milk in the country, Minas Gerais is known for its heritage of architecture and colonial art in historical cities such as Ouro Preto, Diamantina, Tiradentes and Mariana. In the south, the tourist points are the hydro mineral spas, such as Caxambu, São Lourenço, São Thomé das Letras, Monte Verde and the national parks of Caparaó and Canastra. The landscape of the State is marked by mountains, valleys, and large areas of fertile lands. In the Serra do Cipó, Sete Lagoas, Cordisburgo and Lagoa Santa, the caves and waterfalls are the attractions. Some of Brazil's most famous caverns are located there.

Contents [hide]
1 Etymology
2 Location
3 Geography
4 Geology
4.1 Paleontology
5 History
6 Demographics
6.1 Religion
7 Economy
8 Interesting facts
9 Education
9.1 Educational institutions
10 Culture
11 Infrastructure
11.1 International Airport
11.2 Administrative Center/ Cidade Administrativa de Minas Gerais
11.3 Highways
12 Sports
13 Flag
14 Cities
15 References
16 Further reading
17 External links

[edit] EtymologyThere are two interpretations for the origin of the name Minas Gerais.[3] It comes from "Minas dos Matos Gerais", the former name of the colonial province (either "Mines of the General Woods" or "General Mines of the Woods", depending on which noun the word "Gerais" is taken to modify). So a first and more common understanding affirms that the name simply means "General Mines", with the word Gerais serving as an adjective to the mines, which were themselves spread in several spots around a larger region. Another explanation is that this ignores the two large geographical spaces which conformed the state in its history: the region of the mines (Minas), and the region of the Gerais ("Matos Gerais" or "Campos Gerais", which means something close to "General Fields"). These corresponded to the areas of Sertão which were farther and hard to access (with an economy based on farming and agriculture) from the mining spots (whose economic space was urban from its origin[4]). The confusion comes from the fact that the term "Gerais" is taken as an adjective to "Minas" in the first version, although according to this point of view it refers to the region called Gerais (as a noun). A further complication is that this is not a well defined area on the map of the state, but rather a designation to these parts outside the mining spots, more related to the geography of Sertão, and more isolated from the state's nucleus.

[edit] LocationMinas Gerais is in the west of the southeastern subdivision of Brasil, which also contains the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo. It borders on Bahia and Goiás (north), Mato Grosso do Sul (far west), the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (south) and the state of Espírito Santo (east). It also shares a short boundary with the Distrito Federal. Minas Gerais is situated between 14°13'58" and 22°54'00" S latitude and between 39°51'32" and 51°02'35" W longitude.

[edit] GeographyMinas Gerais features some of the longest rivers in Brazil, most notably the São Francisco, the Paraná and to a lesser extent, the Rio Doce. The state also holds many hydroelectric power plants, including Furnas. Some of the highest peaks in Brazil are in the mountain ranges in the southern part of the state, such as Serra da Mantiqueira and Serra do Cervo, that mark the border between Minas and its neighbors São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The most notable one is the Pico da Bandeira, the third highest mountain in Brazil at 2890 m, standing on the border with Espírito Santo state. The state also has huge reserves of iron and sizeable reserves of gold and gemstones, including emerald, topaz and aquamarine mines.

Each region of the state has a distinct character, geographically and to a certain extent culturally.

Town of Bom Jesus de Matosinhos c.1821-1825The central and eastern area of the state is hilly and rocky, with little vegetation on the mountains. Around Lagoa Santa and Sete Lagoas a typical Karst topography with caves and lakes is found. Some of the mountains are almost entirely iron ore, which led to extensive mining (in some places at the expense of the environment). Recent advances in environmental policy helped to put limits to mining. About 200 kilometres (120 mi) to the east of Belo Horizonte is the second Metropolitan Region of the state, Vale do Aço (steel valley), which has iron and steel processing companies along the course of the Rio Doce and its tributaries. Vale do Aço's largest cities are Ipatinga, Coronel Fabriciano and Timóteo. Now that mining is restricted large areas of forest are being removed for timber, charcoal and to clear land for cattle ranching. The original forest cover of these inland hills is very much fragmented. The city of Governador Valadares is in the limit of this region with the poorer North.
The south of Minas Gerais is hilly and green, with coffee and milk production. This region is notably cooler than the rest of the state, and some locations are subject to temperatures just below the freezing point during the winter. The region is also famed for its mineral-water resorts, including the cities of Poços de Caldas, São Lourenço and Caxambu. Many industries are located at Varginha and Pouso Alegre.
The southeast of the state, called Zona da Mata (Forest Zone) was the richest region until the mid 20th century, nowadays the biggest city, Juiz de Fora, remains an important industrial, cultural and educational center, being also the fourth largest in the Minas state. The day-to-day living in the Zona da Mata however, is better represented by a group of smaller cities like Além Paraíba, Viçosa, Leopoldina, Cataguases, Muriaé, Ubá, Astolfo Dutra and several others. Those cities put together a strong economic presence based mostly on agriculture, textiles and minerals. The city of the coffee in Minas Gerais is São João do Manhuaçú situated in Zona da Mata.
The west of Minas Gerais, also known as "Triângulo Mineiro" (which means "the Minas Triangle", due to the geographic shape of this region), is composed of a particular type of savanna, known as Cerrado. This region was initially occupied by great free-wheeling beef ranches, which are still important for the economy of the region. Over the 1990s, extensive soy and corn farms occupied much of the farming land available. The Cerrado is also one of the principal coffee-growing areas of Brazil. The main cities of this region are Uberlândia, Uberaba and Patos de Minas.
The north of Minas Gerais is arid, being subject to frequent droughts. Recent irrigation projects use the water from the São Francisco river for agriculture; the river crosses the northern region carrying water from its basin in the central area of the state, which is subject to a regular rainfall pattern. The diamond mines of this region, manly in Diamantina, attracted miners but are now exhausted, and the remaining population lives in poor conditions, especially in the valley of the Jequitinhonha River. The region is, however, known for its high quality cachaça production. Salinas in particular exports large amounts of this beverage. The main cities of this region are Montes Claros, Teófilo Otoni, Pirapora and Janaúba .

Serra da Mantiqueira.

Serra da Canastra National Park.

Flowers in Serra do Cipó.

Waterfall in Serra da Canastra.

Waterfall in Serra do Cipó.

[edit] Geology[edit] Paleontology
Maxakalisaurus.The discovery of the Maxakalisaurus topai (Dinoprata) fossils was a significant paleontological find. The fossil is a genus of titanosaurid dinosaur found 45 kilometers (28 mi) from the city of Prata (Triângulo Mineiro), in the state of Minas Gerais in 1998. It was closely related to Saltasaurus, a sauropod considered unusual because it had evolved apparently defensive traits, including bony plates on its skin and vertical plates along its spine; such osteoderms have also been found for Maxakalisaurus. The genus name is derived from the tribe of the Maxakali; Topa is one of their divinities.

The Maxakalisaurus fossils belonged to an animal about 13 meters (43.3 ft) long, with an estimated weight of 9 tons, although, according to paleontologist Alexander Kellner, it could reach a length of approximately 20 meters (65 ft). It had a long neck and tail, ridged teeth (unusual among sauropods) and lived about 80 million years ago. Because sauropods seem to have lacked significant competition in South America, they evolved there with greater diversity and more unusual traits than elsewhere in the world. A replica has been displayed at the Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro, since August 28, 2006.[1]

[edit] History
Baruch, 18th century Baroque architecture, by Aleijadinho.Minas Gerais was formed mainly by colonists who searched for veins of gold (discovered 1693) and gems, and later diamonds which come from the naturally occurring itacolumite rock that can be found in great numbers in the region. These helped to boost occupation of the inner lands and led to the foundation of several new villages. In 1697, the Portuguese used enslaved African labor to start building the Estrada Real, the "royal road," that would connect the ports of cities of Rio de Janeiro and Paraty to the mineral-rich regions of Ouro Preto, Serro, and, at the northernmost point, Diamantina.[5] The first capital and seat of the local see was the city of Mariana; it was later moved to Vila Rica. In the late 18th century, Vila Rica was the largest city in Brazil and one of the most populous in America. As the gold mines were exhausted over the 19th century, the city lost its importance; it was later renamed Ouro Preto and remained the state capital until the construction of the all-new, planned city of Belo Horizonte at the turn of the 20th century. The gold cycle left its mark in cities such as Mariana, Ouro Preto, Diamantina, Sabará, Tiradentes and São João del Rei. The relative isolation from European influence, added to the huge influx of gold and other valuable minerals, helped the local people to develop their own style of art, which became known as Barroco Mineiro. Prime examples of this period are the richly decorated churches at the colonial cities, some of them preserved today as museums. The most important artist of this period was Antônio Lisboa, who became known as Aleijadinho. His statues and paintings are now highly valued by experts as one of the most refined artistic expressions outside Europe at that time.

In addition to art and architecture, there was an explosion of musical activity in Minas Gerais in the 18th century. Printed copies of European music, as well as accomplished musicians, made the journey to the area, and soon a local school of composition and performance was born and achieved considerable sophistication. Several composers worked in Minas Gerais in the 18th century, mainly in Vila Rica (now Ouro Preto), Sabará, Mariana, and other cities. Some of the names which have survived include José Joaquim Emerico Lobo de Mesquita, Marcos Coelho Netto, Francisco Gomes da Rocha and Ignácio Parreiras Neves; they cultivated a style related to the classical European style but marked by more a more chordal, homophonic sound, and they usually wrote for mixed groups of voices and instruments.

Guimarães Rosa's literature is highly situated in the Gerais, and they serve as an example of a space which is widespread (hence the term General) across the state (although more concentrated in its north) rather than neatly delimited and identifiable. This northern area began to be colonized (with brutal conflicts with the large amerindian population who lived in some parts, especially in Vale do Jequitinhonha) and turned accessible also departing southbound from Bahia up north, which made the Portuguese crown insert the region within the state of Minas Gerais's borders, in order to prevent gold and diamond smuggling and people trying to avoid colonial taxation and vigilance, for the state of MG was more closely watched by the crown.

People of Minas Gerais c.1820-1825During the 18th century, mining exploration was strongly controlled by the Portuguese Crown, which imposed heavy taxes on everything extracted (one fifth of all gold would go to the Crown). Several rebellions were attempted by the colonists, always facing strong reaction by the imperial crown. One of the most important was the Felipe dos Santos revolt that ended with his execution but also with the separation of Minas Gerais of São Paulo. The most notable one, however, was the Inconfidência, started in 1789 by group of middle-class colonists, mostly intellectuals and young officers. They were inspired by the American and French Enlightenment ideals. The conspiracy failed and the rebels were arrested and exiled. The most famous of them, Joaquim José da Silva Xavier (known as Tiradentes), was hanged by order of Queen Maria I of Portugal, becoming a local hero and a national martyr of Brazil. The Minas Gerais flag — a red triangle on a white background — is based on the design for the national flag proposed by the "Inconfidentes", as the rebels became known.

In the economic history of Brazil, Minas Gerais plays a pivotal role in shifting the economic axis from the Brazilian northeast (based on sugarcane, that starts declining in the 18th century) to the southeast of the country, which still remains the major economic center. The large amounts of gold found in the region attracted the attention of Portugal back to Brazil, progressively turning Rio de Janeiro into an important port city, from where these would be shipped to Portugal and where the Portuguese crown would eventually move its administration in 1808 after Napoleon Bonaparte's invasion of Portugal (see Transfer of the Portuguese Court to Brazil).

Due to the economic importance of the state and the particular traits of the local population — famed for its reserved and balanced character — Minas Gerais has also played an important role on national politics. During the 19th century, politicians such as José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva were instrumental in the establishment of the Brazilian Empire under the rule of Dom Pedro I and later his son, Dom Pedro II. After the installation of the Brazilian Republic, during the early 20th century, Minas Gerais shared the control of the national political scene with São Paulo in what became known as the "Coffee with Cream" political cycle (coffee being the major product of São Paulo, and cream representing Minas Gerais' dairy industry, despite the latter also being an important coffee producer).

Minas Gerais was also home to two of the most influential Brazilian politicians of the second half of the 20th century. Juscelino Kubitschek was president from 1956 to 1961, and he was responsible for the construction of Brasília as the new capital of Brazil. Tancredo Neves had an extensive political career that culminated with his election in 1984 to be the first civil president after the 1964 military countercoup. However, he died after a series of health complications just as he was about to assume the position. Also, Itamar, Brazil's previous president, lived there, though he was not born in Minas

See also the List of Governors of Minas Gerais.

Ouro Preto and its colonial Portuguese architecture.

Minas Gerais, 1865.

Sanctuary of Bom Jesus de Matozinhos - Congonhas.


São João del Rei.

Inconfidência Mineira.

[edit] Demographics
Oscar Niemeyer's Church of São Francisco de Assis, in Pampulha.According to the IBGE of 2008, there were 19,765,000 people residing in the state. The population density was 32.73 inhabitants per square kilometre (84.8 /sq mi).

Urbanization: 84.7% (2006); Population growth: 1.4% (1991–2000); Houses: 5,741,000 (2006).[6]

The last PNAD (National Research for Sample of Domiciles) census revealed the following numbers: 9,091,000 White people (45.68%), 8,927,000 Brown (Multiracial) people (44.85%), 1,802,000 Black people (9.05%), 40,000 Asian people (0.20%), 37,000 Amerindian people (0.18%).[7]

Ethnic groups found in Minas Gerais include: Amerindians, Portuguese, Africans, Italians, Germans and Lebanese.

The ethnic composition of the population varies from town to town. For example, in Córrego do Bom Jesus, a small town located in the extreme south of Minas Gerais, White people make up 98.70% of the population.[8] The South of Minas Gerais is both the most European and the most densely populated part of the state. On the other hand, in Setubinha, located in the northeast part of the state, 71.81% are mixed-race and 14.70% Blacks.[8] It is historically explainable: southern Minas Gerais, in the border with São Paulo, received larger numbers of Portuguese farmers in colonial times. In the late 19th century, Italian immigrants also arrived. The north region, close to Bahia, was a place to the arrival of many African slaves since the 18th century. The central part of the state, where the capital Belo Horizonte is, has a more balanced ratio between Whites, Blacks and mixed people.

The population of Minas Gerais is the result of an intense mixture of peoples, particularly between Black Africans and Portuguese.[9] In colonial Minas Gerais, the population was divided in five different categories: Whites, mostly Portuguese; Africans, who often did not have a surname and were usually known for their region of origin (for example Francisca Benguela would refer to Benguela); Crioulos (Black people born in Brazil, usually to both African parents); Mulattoes (people of mixed Black and White ancestry, usually born to a Black mother and a Portuguese father) and Cabras (people of mixed ancestry, usually with high degree of Amerindian admixture). Blacks and Mulattoes predominated in the population after the beginning of the colonization.[9] By the 19th century, however, "whites" were already the largest single group in the Minas Gerais population.[10] Taking the population as a whole (all groups included), European genes account for the majority of the Minas Gerais genetic heritage, which has been explained on the basis of the extremely high mortality rates of the enslaved African population and lower reproductive rate of African slaves (the vast majority of them were males, among other reasons for their lower reproductive success)[10] The Amerindian population was hit hard by the diseases brought by the European colonists and they did not have much of an impact either, especially in Minas Gerais, where European presence and colonization was massive.[10]

During the colonial period, the disproportion between the number of men and women was quite sharp. The census of 1738 in Serro do Frio, which included Diamantina, revealed that of the 9,681 inhabitants, 83.5% were men and 16.5% women. Among the slaves, women were only 3.1%.[9] The number of free "women of color" (Blacks and Mulattoes) was very high. The same census revealed that 63% of the former slaves were women and only 37% men. Since interracial relationships between "women of color" and White men were widespread, the female slaves were more likely to be freed than the male slaves.[9]

The monogamous family structure that the Catholic Church tried to deploy in colonial Brazil was the exception in Minas Gerais. At that time cohabitation and temporary relationships predominated in Minas Gerais, as well as in Brazil as a whole.[9] Monogamy and weddings in churches would only take root in Brazil in the 19th century, fitting the moral standards imposed by the Church. The role of women in colonial Minas Gerais was much more dynamic than it would be allowed by the standards of the time. Many women used to live on their own, were heads of family and worked, particularly the "women of color" and former slaves.[9] The society of Minas Gerais provided a great social mobility to former slaves, mainly for women. In Tejuco, the percentage of White males who were head of family (37.7%) was very similar to the percentage of Black women who were head of family (38.5%). Many former slaves were able to accumulate goods and many of them became slave owners as well. Some Blacks and mainly Mulattos were able to integrate themselves in the highest social stratum of the society of Minas Gerais, once restricted to Whites. This happened through a process of "whitening" their descendence and through the assimilation of the culture of the White elite, like being members of Catholic brotherhoods.[9]

Cohabitation was the most common crime in Minas Gerais. The Catholic Church was strict in the punishment of this crime, in order to prevent the widespread miscegenation between White, mostly Portuguese males with Black or Mulatto women.[9]

A genetic study (with a few samples and not covering the most populated part of the state, the South of Minas Gerais), suggested that the "Whites" from Minas Gerais would have slightly lower levels of European (at 70.8%) ancestry among the Brazilian regions and higher levels(at 16.1%) of African admixture, with significant Amerindian (13.1%) admixture, the European reference population in the study being 94.6% European, 2.8% Native American and 2.6% African, which would give an actual percentage of European ancestry of about 74.84% actual European ancestry (roughly 75%), and less than 15% of each, Native American and African ancestries.[11]

According to another study, however, the European ancestry is dominant throughout Brazil at 80%, Minas Gerais included (and this taking into account the whole of the population of Minas Gerais, "white", "pardos" and "blacks"). "A new portrayal of each ethnicity contribution to the DNA of Brazilians, obtained with samples from the five regions of the country, has indicated that, on average, European ancestors are responsible for nearly 80% of the genetic heritage of the population. The variation between the regions is small, with the possible exception of the South, where the European contribution reaches nearly 90%. The results, published by the scientific magazine American Journal of Human Biology by a team of the Catholic University of Brasília, show that, in Brazil, physical indicators such as skin colour, colour of the eyes and colour of the hair have little to do with the genetic ancestry of each person, which has been shown in previous studies".[12]

During the time of the gold rush, the largest European immigration of the colonial period, to all of the Americas, took place, about 600,000 Portuguese immigrated to Brazil during the gold rush, and most of them to Minas Gerais, the place where the gold rush activities took place.[13] Most of them came from Entre Douro e Minho, in Northern Portugal.[14] The reference book for a large number of these families is "Velhos Troncos Mineiros" (Old Mineiro Branches) by Raimundo Trindade.

Indians visiting a Brazilian farm plantation in Minas Gerais, 1824The Native American population of Minas Gerais was estimated to be at 97,000 in 1500, by the time the Portuguese arrived in Brazil in 1500 (John Hemming in "Red Gold: The Conquest of the Brazilian Indians").

[edit] ReligionReligion Percentage Number
Catholics 78.70% 14,091,479
Protestants 13.61% 2,437,186
No religion 4.60% 822,855
Spiritists 1.59% 284,336
Umbandists 0.11% 20,223

Source: IBGE 2000.[15]

[edit] Economy
This satellite photograph illustrates the diverse agricultural landscape in the western part of Minas Gerais.The service sector is the largest component of GDP at 47.1%, followed by the industrial sector at 44.1%. Agriculture represents 8.8% of GDP (2004). Exports: iron ore 26.1%, siderurgy 20.9%, coffee 12.8%, not ferrous metals 7.2%, others agriculture products 6.2%, vehicles 5.9% (2002).

Share of the Brazilian economy: 9% (2005).

Minas Gerais (or simply Minas, as it is commonly called) is a major producer of milk, coffee and other agricultural commodities, as well as minerals. Electronics are also produced in Minas. The automakers Fiat and Mercedes-Benz have factories there. Tourism is also an important activity for the state: historical cities like Ouro Preto, Mariana, Sabará, Congonhas, Diamantina, Tiradentes, and Sao João del Rey, are a major attractive for visitors interested in their colonial architecture. Other cities, like Araxá, Poços de Caldas, Lambari, Caxambu, and others, attract visitors interested in their mineral watersprings. Eco-tourism is a rising economic activity in the state, specially in localities situated on the several Serras (highlands) that exist in Minas Gerais.

The state has marked economic divisions. The southern part of the state (close to the São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro state borders) has several mid-sized cities with solid industrial bases such as Juiz de Fora, Varginha, Pouso Alegre, and Poços de Caldas, as well as Ipatinga in the east of the state, which is also a modern and major industrial city and Itabira, considered city mother of the Company it is Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, that has stocks quoted in Bovespa and NYSE. The northeastern region is marked by poverty, but Governador Valadares [2] and Teófilo Otoni attract foreign traders for the semi-precious gems such as topaz and sapphire. The central region of the state (where the capital is located) has big reserves of iron (and to a lesser extent, gold) still being actively mined. There are also large companies installed the automotive industry, as manufacturers FIAT in Betim, IVECO in Sete Lagoas and suppliers of auto-parts, as STOLA and USIPARTS.The western part, the "Triângulo Mineiro", is less densely populated than the rest of the state, and it is now a focus of biotechnology investment, particularly on the cities of Uberlândia, Uberaba and Patos de Minas, which includes leading research on cattle, soy and corn culture.

[edit] Interesting factsVehicles: 4,887,283 (March/2007); Mobile phones: 11.3 million (April/2007); Telephones: 4.2 million (April/2007); Towns: 853 (2007).[16]

[edit] Education
Universidade Federal de Lavras in Lavras.[edit] Educational institutionsUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC-MG)
Faculdade de Ciências Medicas de Minas Gerais FCMMG (Medical Sciences Faculty of Minas Gerais)
Universidade Federal de Alfenas (Unifal-MG) (Federal University of Alfenas)
Universidade Federal de Itajuba (UNIFEI) (Federal University of Itajuba)
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF) (Federal University of Juiz de Fora)
Universidade Federal de Lavras (Ufla) (Federal University of Lavras)
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (Ufop) (Federal University of Ouro Preto)
Universidade Federal de São João del Rei (UFSJ) (Federal University of São João del Rei)
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) (Federal University of Uberlandia)
Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV) (Federal University of Viçosa)
Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) (Federal University of Mineiro Triangle)
Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM) (Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Murici Valleys)
Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros (Unimontes) (State University of Montes Claros)
Universidade de Itaúna
Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais (UEMG)
Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG)
Faculdade de Direito Milton Campos (FDMC) (Faculty of Law Milton Campos)
and many others.
[edit] Culture
Baroque churches in Mariana.Minas Gerais may be called Deep Brazil by analogy with France profonde. It has a distinctly more native flavour than cosmopolitan São Paulo, a more traditional slant than flashy Rio de Janeiro, and is more Portuguese than the South and São Paulo with their great influx of Italians and other Central Europeans, the North with its native Indians, or the Northeast with its heavy Afro-Brazilian influence.

Those born and raised in Minas Gerais, also called Mineiros, bare an unmistakable accent that sets them apart from fellow Brazilians. They are considered reserved, prudent, relatively silent to the point of melancholy, but welcoming and family-focused. It is one of the most religious states, with a large proportion of staunch Roman Catholics and a burgeoning Evangelical and neo-Pentecostal population, with pockets of African religions. The Spiritist doctrine is also professed by a significant portion of the population, partly due to the influence of Chico Xavier, the main spiritual icon of Brazil, who lived in Minas Gerais all his life.

Minas Gerais is also known nationally for its cuisine. The cultural basis of its cuisine is the small farmhouse, and many of the dishes are prepared using locally produced vegetables and meats, especially chicken and pork. Traditional cooking is done using coal- or wood-fired ovens and cast iron pans, making for a particularly tasty flavor; some restaurant chains have adopted these techniques and made this type of food popular in other parts of the country.

Many of the cakes and appetizers of the local cuisine use corn or cassava (known there as mandioca) flour instead of wheat, as the latter did not adapt well to the local weather. The best-known dish from Minas Gerais is "pão de queijo", a small baked roll (known internationally as "Brazilian cheese rolls") made with cheese and cassava flour that can be served hot as an appetizer or for breakfast.

The state is also Brazil's most traditional producer of cheese. Minas cheese is renowned nationwide as the distinct Brazilian cheese. Cachaça is also a local produce of some importance.

The state cuisine is showcased in various festivals year round and in many locations throughout the state, but the biggest festival is the month long Comida de Buteco in Belo Horizonte, where 41 bars and restaurant are selected to create a dish using ingredients traditional to local cuisine. People from all over the country and abroad rate the food, the temperature of the beer, the ambiance and service. In 2007, over 400,000 people participated in the festival according to Vox Populi statistics.

Music is one of the most striking features of Minas Gerais and has been part of the history of the state since the early 16th and 17th centuries.

From the 18th century, composers like Jose Joaquim Lobo de Mesquita, Francisco Gomes da Rocha, Marcos Coelho Neto and Manoel de Oliveira Dias reinforced the musical tradition of Minas, with the composition of baroque pieces that are now revered as masterpieces. For Classical Music, the state features productions and performances of various orchestras and choirs.

Among them there are the Symphonic Orchestra of Minas Gerais and the Coral Lírico de Minas Gerais, a State Choir, maintained by Clovis Salgado Foundation, an institution linked to the Secretary of State for Culture. These and other groups have a strong presence in the capital and throughout the state, working for the popularization and democratization of classical music. One of the most prolific contemporary composers was born in Minas Gerais, Prof. Dr. Andersen Viana, which music has been recognized most frequently abroad.

The most varied rhythms and sounds have their origins in the state. Ary Barroso, who in 1939 composed one of Brazil's best known songs throughout the world, Aquarela do Brasil, was born in Ubá, in the Zona da Mata Mineira.

In the 60th and 70th streets in the traditional neighborhood of Santa Tereza, Belo Horizonte, were the scene of one of the most important movements of national music: Clube da Esquina. With a unique blend of Brazilian popular music with pop and jazz, the Club met talents like Milton Nascimento, Wagner Tiso, Toninho Horta, Fernando Brant, Lô Borges, Beto Guedes, and Flávio Venturini.

The current scenario continues reflecting the vibrancy and dynamism of the cultural. A new generation of artists is represented by names like Skank, Pato Fu, Jota Quest, Sepultura, Vander Lee, Uakti, Marina Machado, Maurício Tizumba, Berimbrown, Copo Lagoinha and Amaranto.

Moving freely through different rhythms like rock, reggae, heavy metal, samba and MPB, among others, the music in Minas Gerais continues the excellence and diversity that has always stapled it.

Minas Gerais is often recognized abroad as the state where the footballer Pelé was born (he has lived in the state of São Paulo since childhood, though).

Many famous Brazilian writers were born in Minas Gerais: Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Fernando Sabino and João Guimarães Rosa. Aviation pioneer Alberto Santos-Dumont was born in Minas Gerais, as well as various politicians, such as Presidents Afonso Pena, Venceslau Brás, Delfim Moreira, Artur Bernardes, Juscelino Kubitschek, Tancredo Neves and Dilma Rousseff. Former president Itamar Franco is usually included in lists of presidents born in Minas Gerais, but he was actually born pre-maturaly in a ship travel in the Atlantic Ocean

[edit] Infrastructure[edit] International AirportTancredo Neves/Confins International Airport is located in the municipalities of Lagoa Santa and Confins, 38 km (23 mi) from Belo Horizonte, and was opened in January 1984. It was planned from the start for future expansion in steps to meet growing demand. The airport has one of the lowest rates of shutdown for bad weather in the country. However, the Confins airport was not using much of its capacity until 2005, when it was decided that a large part of the Pampulha Airport flights (which is smaller and located inside Belo Horizonte's urban area) would move to Confins.

The first step was undertaken with careful concern for the environment, including monitoring by specialized consultants, since the region has a rich archeological heritage. Among the hundreds of caverns in the region, the one at Lapa Vermelha stands out. Located 2.7 km (1.6 mi) from the airport, the oldest female cranium in the Americans was discovered there, dated at roughly 12 thousand years old. Confins is certified by the ISO 9001 standard, covering ten processes in the administrative, operational, safety/security and maintenance areas. The Tancredo Neves International Airport has both domestic and international flights (to some locations in South America, Central America, North America and Europe).

[edit] Administrative Center/ Cidade Administrativa de Minas GeraisA new Administrative Center was completed in March 2010, for the state of Minas Gerais. Designed by the internationally renowned architect Oscar Niemeyer, the center consists of four large buildings on a 800,000 square meter site. Two buildings accommodate 17 of the state ministries, the third building consists of an auditorium, with capacity for 540 guests. The fourth and most impressive building is the "Palacio do Governo", which is the world's largest suspended structure, built in reinforced concrete. The building has 150m spam and its roof is supported by 4 columns.

[edit] HighwaysMinas Gerais is the Brazilian state that harbors the highest mileage of highways. The state highway network is 269,545 kilometers, of which only 11,396 on federal roads and 21,472 on state highways and state coincide, corresponding to all other municipal roads. Because of its central position, the state is crossed by the most important national highways, like BR-116 (Rio-Bahia), BR-040 (Rio-Brasília) and others. Many of the most important Brazilian routes cross the state and, for this reason, it counts the greater proportion of car accidents per capita.

BR-122, BR-040, BR-135, BR-146, BR-251, BR-259, BR-265, BR-265, BR-265, BR-265, BR-267, BR-352, BR-354, BR-356, BR-356, BR-364, BR-367, BR-367, BR-367, BR-381, BR-381, BR-383, BR-383, BR-393, BR-459, BR-462, BR-464, BR-491.

[edit] SportsAs in the rest of Brazil, football is the most popular sport among locals. Belo Horizonte has two of the most successful teams in the country, and the city also has one of the biggest football stadiums in the world, the Mineirão, opened in 1965.

The older Independência Stadium hosted a legendary victory of the United States World Cup Team 1950 in a 1-0 triumph over England. See England v United States (1950) and [3]

Mineirão and Independência Stadium are closed for renovation to 2014 World Cup,so all Belo Horizonte's teams are playing in Sete Lagoas, the stadium is called "Arena do Jacaré".

Atlético Mineiro, which is also called by its nickname and mascot "Galo" (rooster) is one of the oldest football clubs in the city and was founded in 1908. Atlético Mineiro won one Brazilian championship in 1971, and has also won two CONMEBOL Cups (nowadays called Copa Sudamericana) and 40 State Championships. In spite of so much tradition, the team has suffered through very difficult times recently and was relegated to the Brazilian Série B. However, the club won the championship in 2006 and is back to Série A in 2007.

Cruzeiro was founded in 1921 by the members of the local Italian community. Cruzeiro has been one of Brazil's most successful clubs in the 1990s and early 2000s, winning 4 National Cups, 1 National League, 2 Copa Libertadores, and 2 Supercopa Libertadores, and is also the winner of Taça Brasil in 1966 and 34 State Championships.Cruzeiro also was elected the most successful brazilian team in last century by IFFHS.In 2003, Cruzeiro won the triple crown, when the team won the National League, National Cups and State Championships.

The city is also home to América Mineiro, which has its own playing field, the Independência Stadium. It was a major team in Brazil decades ago, but passed three years striving to leave Brazilian League Série C. Things came worse at the beginning of 2007. The team was relegated to the Módulo II of Campeonato Mineiro, for the first time in its history and did not even qualify for playing the Série C, being completely out of Campeonato Brasileiro in 2008. It was 15 times state champion (ten of then in a row), the last was in 2001, also won the National League second division in 1997 and the Sul-Minas Cup in 2000. The club is playing Campeonato Brasileiro Serie A.

Besides football, Belo Horizonte has one of the largest attendances at volleyball matches in the whole country. Crowds usually go to Mineirinho in order to watch either the Brazil national volleyball team or Minas Tênis Clube matches.

Minas Tênis Clube is a sport association with various modalities, and its volleyball team has some of the most advanced training facilities in the country. Besides Mineirinho, the clubs also plays on its own ground, the modern Vivo Arena. Both its male and female volleyball teams have already won the Brazilian Superleague of Volleyball titles.

Belo Horizonte is one of the 12 chosen cities to host games of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, that will be hosted by Brazil.

Belo Horizonte is also one of the cities chosen to co-host the Soccer Games of the 2016 Olympic Games that will be held in Rio de Janeiro. São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília and Salvador are the other cities chosen to host the Soccer Games.

[edit] FlagThe flag of the state of Minas Gerais is the oldest one adopted in Brazil that was devised by Brazilians. It was remembered by the Republican Party, which opposed the Brazilian Imperial Government, and adopted unofficially as the flag of the state. It has been the official state flag since 1946.

The flag's Latin inscription, "Libertas quæ sera tamen", is the motto of the "Inconfidencia Mineira," which fought for Brazilian independence from Portugal. It means "Freedom albeit late". It is taken from Virgil's Eclogues, Eclogue 1. The triangle is said to represent God as a Trinity and the three ideals of the French Revolution: Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, but as Masons influenced independence movements throughout America, the geometric figure on the flag is a clear homage to them. The colors were chosen for their revolutionary meaning: white represents the desire to forming a peaceful nation, discarding all colonial institutions, and red symbolises the flame of liberty and/or the blood of Inconfidencia martyrs, such as Tiradentes, or "The Dentist" revolutionary.

[edit] Cities
Belo Horizonte.Main article: List of municipalities in Minas Gerais
In spite of not being the largest state of Brazil, Minas Gerais has the largest number of cities. Of the more than 5,500 municipalities in the country, Minas has 853 of them, a fact explained by the number of inhabitants and by the vast territory (larger than Metropolitan France). The most notable cities are: the capital Belo Horizonte, Contagem, Betim, Juiz de Fora, Muriae, Montes Claros, Uberlândia, Governador Valadares, Ipatinga, Poços de Caldas, Sete Lagoas, Uberaba, Patos de Minas, Divinópolis, Itaúna, Cataguases and Ouro Preto.

[edit] References1.^ Censo 2010: população do Brasil é de 190.732.694 pessoas
2.^ The presented pronunciation is in Brazilian Portuguese. The European Portuguese pronunciation is [ˈminɐʒ ʒɨˈɾajʃ].
3.^ João Batista de Almeida Costa. Os Berços de Minas Gerais:
4.^ João Antônio de Paula: Raízes da Modernidade em Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte: Editora Autêntica, 2000
5.^ Cheney, Glenn Alan, Journey on the Estrada Real: Encounters in the Mountains of Brazil, (Chicago: Academy Chicago, 2004) ISBN 0-89733-530-9
6.^ Source: PNAD.
7.^ (in Portuguese) (PDF). Minas Gerais, Brazil: IBGE. 2008. ISBN 85-240-3919-1. Retrieved 2010-01-18.
8.^ a b Sistema IBGE de Recuperação Automática - SIDRA
9.^ a b c d e f g h Júnia Ferreira Furtado (2009). Chica da Silva e o Contratador de Diamantes- o Outro Lado do Mito. Companhia das Letras. pp. 403–403.
10.^ a b c
11.^ Admixture in White Brazilians
15.^ Sistema IBGE de Recuperação Automática - SIDRA
16.^ Source: IBGE.
[edit] Further readingCheney, Glenn Alan, Journey on the Estrada Real: Encounters in the Mountains of Brazil, (Chicago: Academy Chicago, 2004) ISBN 0-89733-530-9
[edit] External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Minas Gerais

(Portuguese) Official website
(Portuguese) Images of Minas Gerais Administrative Center/City
As Minas Gerais - Biblioteca Interativa (Imenso Acervo Fotográfico de Minas Gerais) (Immense photographic archive on Minas Gerais, with plenty of information)
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